Can plants get too much LED light?

Can plants get too much LED light?

Can plants get too much LED light?

The old saying goes, ‘Everything in moderation’ – and that rings true when it comes to growing plants under LED lights. 

Like humans, plants need some time to rest each day. 

Just because you can have an LED light on them 24 hours a day, that doesn’t mean that is it the best approach. 

In fact, too much LED light can have the opposite effect and can cause your plants to become damaged or stop growing all together. 

How much LED light should plants get? 

Light is key in the process of photosynthesis, which is how plants grow. 

However, plants also need some time in the dark to rest each day – which is what they usually get outdoors in nature. 

In most cases, between 12 and 16 hours of light per day is plenty for any plant, but this can depend a little on your indoor growing set up. 

Placing high-intensity LED grow lights too close to your plants for too long can be too much for some plants and cause issues. 

Signs of too much light 

There are usually some quite visible signs shown by plants which receive too much light. 

These include: 

  • Leaf Burn

The most common sign of excessive exposure to light is leaf burn, where brown or crispy spots arise on the leaves. This most often occurs on the end tips and edges of the leaves. 

  • Yellowing Leaves

Leaves can lose their vibrant colour if they are exposed to too much light, with green leaves often yellowing or becoming more pale in colour. 

  • Stunted Growth

Plants can stop growing all together or display much slower growth if they are exposed to too much light. 

  • Wilting

In more severe cases, even plants which receive plenty of water can wilt under the stress caused by excessive light.

How to avoid excessive light issues

Plants should be regularly monitored for signs of stress and LED grow lights should be adjusted accordingly if issues are arising. 

It is also important to get the distance right between your grow lights and your plants, which can vary depending on the type of LED light and the type of plant. 

Some modern LED grow light systems can be connected to mobile phone apps, providing complete control over lighting to help ensure plants are not over-stimulated. 

This includes the ability to dim the lights to as low as 10 per cent of their capacity, as well as set on/off timers for sunrise and sunset to make sure plants receive the ideal amount of light each day for healthy growth. 

Need some help? 

If you are looking to begin growing plants indoors – or are considering upgrading an existing set-up – we have everything you need. 

At A-Grade Hydroponics we are indoor growing experts and stock a wide range of quality LED grow lights and systems, including dimmable lights which can be controlled by mobile phone apps. 

Check out our online store, come visit us at our Melbourne shop or give us a call on (03) 9555 6667 and we will be happy to assist and answer any questions that you might have.


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