Botanical name: Jasminum officinale L.
Common name: White Jasmine
Family: Oleaceae
Aromatic compound: Eugenol, eugenyl acetate
Ketones: Jasmonic acid, jasmolactone, methyl-di-hydro jasmonate, cis- and trans-ethyl jasmonate
~ “Before jumping straight into the technique, I wanted to share some excellent botanical information that was invaluable to my research, for the full PDF see reference link provided at the end of the tutorial.”
Botanical information:
Jasmine is a climbing shrub with perennial leaves. Older stems are thin and woody and may reach several meters in height.
Younger stems twist as they grow and eventually adopt a spiral shape. These are the stems that bear the leaves.
Opposing phyllotaxy, pinnate, darker green, with three pairs of sharp-pointed leaflets plus one terminal leaflet larger than the others and with an attenuated tip.
The flowers are arranged in groups of one to five at the end of the branches. Each flower is composed of a tubular calyx with five or eight sepals, a corolla, which is cylindrical at the base and expanded at the top, two stamens enclosed into the corolla tube and a two-chamber ovary.
The heavily scented flowers appear from June to October. Since they are born on the youngest stems, the plant has to be pruned only during the Fall. The fruit is a shining black berry.
Jasminum officinale is native to China, north of India, Pakistan and the northeast of the Himalayas. It is completely acclimatized in the central and southern regions of Europe. It is usually grown in European gardens as an ornamental plant, especially the perennial varieties such as J. nudiflorum, a variety with yellow flowers commonly known as winter jasmine or J. floridum, an almost perennial shrub with yellow flowers.
Jasmine flowers must be harvested manually, one by one, during the dawn hours so that the sun does not shrivel them. Otherwise, up to a 20% of the fragrance may be lost. Jasmine concentrate is produced in Italy, France, Morocco, Egypt, China and Turkey.
When your Jasmine shrub is about to open up its flowers I have found this to be the ideal stage to take cuttings, why? Because when Jasmine is in flower there are a lot of sugars and carbohydrates translocating throughout the plant to assist in essential oil production and flower aroma, the same process needs to happen in root formation so it makes sense to take the cuttings at this point, any other stage I have tried has taken much longer and with limited success.
- Pruning shears
- Humidity Dome
- Scalpel/s
- Glass/Jug of plain water
- Cloning gel
- Growing cubes or Cloning machine
- Take a large branch from the flowering bush and cut the stem above each axis
- Remove any excess foliage
- Soak in glass water for 15 mins
- Whilst in glass of water, make final 45 degree cut. (Under water prevents an embolism forming which can prevent roots!)
- Soak grow cubes in plain water or fill up cloning machine with 3-5L of water
- Dip each cutting into your preferred cloning gel
- Take each cutting and place into the grow block or cloning machine collar
- Place grow blocks into a humidity dome or into cloning machine.
- Check on water temp every 3 days if in cloning machine
- Add 50-100mls of plain water inside humidity dome every 2-3 days until roots form.

The extracted and synthesized ketone, Jasmonic acetate is being used as a ‘natural plant growth regulator’ Jasmonic acetate will directly stimulate an excess production in THC for flowering medicinal crops however the drawback is it has a direct suppression on the formation of CBD which would massively change the equilibrium and medicinal effect of the plant. Point here- if you don’t need it in your body, then neither do they!
Mythobotany, pharmacology & economic botany 32:65-74 Albert-Puleo, Michael 1978